Hidden Cost Diagnostics v1.2 |
Detailed Product Contents
Comprehensive model and diagnostic tools to review an organization's conversion processes
and identify improvement opportunities at each site. Review areas include capacity
management, inventory management and reliability management.
Comprehensive model and diagnostic tools to review an organization's supply/vendor
management processes and identify improvement opportunities. Review areas include
supply base, vendor contracts/relationships and partnering activities.
Facilitated process to review an organization's demand management processes and
identify improvement opportunities. Review areas include synchronization of supply chain,
capacity integration and customer replenishment.
Facilitated process to review an organization's sales & marketing related processes
and identify improvement opportunities. Review areas include pricing & promotion, new
product development and SKU management.
Facilitated process to review and organization's delivery management processes
and identify improvement opportunities. Review areas include transportation logistics,
procurement integration and third party management practices.
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View the rest of our FOCUSTM product family:
- Quick Start Discovery
- Profit Potential Mapping
- Hidden Cost Diagnostic
- Customer & Supplier Involvement Systems
View our STRIVETM product family:
- Team Training & Coaching
- Project Implementation
- Financial & Progress Tracking
- Management & Leadership Alignment